come in, love.
It’s been a year since I set up this website, it’s currently March 2020 and I’m in the process of renewing this space.
Reading back on my About page which I had originally written, I’m cringing slightly.
Wow, how much I have grown this past year.
It’s mad isn’t it, we don’t realise our transformation whilst it’s in process, it’s only when we look back do we realise how far we have come.
I’ll probably look at what I’m writing now in a years time again and feel the same way, I almost hope I do because I want to continue to grow and evolve and discover myself even more every day from now.
In short, I’m Emily, known as Em J to my friends. I’m a Yoga teacher, Mentor and personal development coach.
I spend around 80% of my time learning and expanding my knowledge and to better understand my inner landscape.
This website started after reading a book called ‘Big Magic’ by Elizabeth Gilbert.
This book is all about creativity, moving past the ‘fear stage’ and pushing through those dreaded creative blocks.
The section of this book I found the most interesting was Elizabeth’s clever use of a metaphor that our ideas are almost physical beings floating around the atmosphere and they choose us, they choose us very carefully.
Have you ever had an idea pop into your mind, An idea that fills your body with a feeling of excitement and wonder - Something so strong that you feel you need to do something about it and make it a reality? Then have you ever left this idea to sit for a while, only to discover that when you feel ready to turn it into a reality you lose your idea?
It’s almost as though it's been taken out of your brain - Secretly picked out of your mind like a thief in the night. Your inspiration has miraculously gone — blown away like fairy dust.
How frustrating!
Well, according to Elizabeth, this is because ideas choose us and if we don’t move quickly enough to turn this idea into a reality, the idea leaves us and moves onto someone else. Like a guy/girl who still isn’t interested in you, despite your best efforts.
So 2018 was my year of total growth. I’ve always worked on my body, but this year was the year when my mind got a real work out.
My real turning point was when an intimate relationship ended. We were madly in love but certain circumstances didn’t allow us to carry on.
Towards the end of this relationship, I started to become more aware of specific patterns that were showing up in me that I didn’t like. Not only that, but I had seen these appear before. Once we parted, I became dedicated to try and understand myself better.
Why did I think this way? Why was I torturing myself with my own thoughts? Wtf was going on?
I was now fully committed to my self growth and deepening my spirituality.
I wanted to understand who I was and how I had been conditioned to think - I also wanted to understand how us as humans limit ourselves to certain beliefs, how anxiety arises and how our minds have the ability to take over.
This we can understand through the practice of Yoga. Not just the Asana, but the 8 limbs, according to Patanjali.
I was put on this earth to be of service, to make a difference and help others. I wholeheartedly believe this is my Dharma, my purpose.
Self care and self exploration became my main priority, not just for me, but so I could help others.
If I’m not ok in myself, how can I hold the space for anyone else?
I’m here to help you on your own journey to self discovery. So that we can all finally reach Yoga, Samadhi or Enlightenment, whatever you wish to call it.
This online space shares things which inspire me, stories, book recommendations, pictures and will soon include some exciting new content.
I love to love and I love to connect, so please get in touch if you wish to chat or to practice and learn from me privately.
I’m so happy that you’re here! So please, come in and make yourself comfortable. I have some exiting things to share with you.
Em J X
never let anyone treat you like a yellow starburst