Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
- Albert Einstein
Where our attention goes, energy flows
Understanding the law of attraction
Everything is energy.
Our bodies, our thoughts, our emotions… money (yes money)
So if everything is energy, why would you not ensure that the energy you give out is positive and productive?
If you knew that your thoughts become beliefs, then your beliefs become reality wouldn’t you ensure you focused on positive thoughts?
Have you ever met someone with a certain name that you never really hear often. Then after this encounter you see and hear that name everywhere?
This is your subconscious mind going to work after your first meeting.
In reality there are of course many people with the same name. The people you met and heard of after the initial meeting didn’t just pop into the world out of nowhere, but they did indeed make their way to you because of the person you met in the first instance. Or maybe you just noticed them now - because of that first encounter of the name.
Anyway - let’s just say, it wasn’t a coincidence.
The way the Law of Attraction works is, when we focus on something in our minds, we then start to believe these thoughts - then we may even talk about these thoughts. This thought gets sent out to the universe, who then gets to work to give you what you want.
I mean, if you think about it enough you must want it right?
That’s the way the universe sees it anyway.
It doesn’t distinguish the positive and the negative. It just thinks, well if they’re thinking about it they clearly want this to be a reality.
This is why it is crucial that you focus your mind on the things you want. The things that will impact your life in a positive way.
You can literally create your life, just the way you want it. It all begins with the mind.
What’s stronger than a thought?
An emotion.
Our thoughts create emotions in us. And emotions create vibrations - energy. Which in turn, attracts energy on the same frequency.
Below is an emotion chart — it's split into sections. The left hand column being high vibrating emotions, the 6 emotions at number 1 are the highest vibrating emotions, all equally powerful. The right hand column are the negative emotions.
The Emotion Scale
- Joy
Empowerment - Passion
- Enthusiasm
- Positive Expectation
- Optimism
- Contentment
- Hope
- Boredom
- Pessimism
- Frustration, impatience, irritation
- Overwhelming
- Disappointment
- Doubt
- Worry
- Blame
- Discouragement
- Anger
- Revenge
- Hatred, rage
- Jealousy
- Insecurity, guilt, unworthiness
- Fear, grief, depression, powerlessness, victim
We need to match the vibration of our dream life.
Think of your dream life, imagine it. Feel as though you already have it. How does that make you feel emotionally?
Joy? Appreciation? Enthusiastic?
However that life makes you feel are the emotions you need to feel to attract that life to you.
Now, use this scale to answer some questions — get some paper and a pen and get writing. Answer these questions with the numbers that match the emotions you feel when you think about it. Write those numbers down then check where you’re at on the emotional scale.
Remember a time when you couldn’t stop laughing
Think of a time you felt free
Think of a time someone did something you defined as hurtful
Think of the sun shining
Think of the rain
How are you vibrating?
Think of someone you care about
Think of the state of the world as you know it
Now, think of living your dream life
From here, check your vibration during the day — what can I focus on that will make me feel better?
Understanding the Secrets of the subconscious mind
Brushing your teeth, talking, moving, walking, driving a car.
These are things you do that you don’t even think about right?
First we had to use a lot of concentration and persistence and our conscious mind to learn these things, then it became automatic.
This is because your subconscious mind took over from your conscious.
The truth is, the universe is always eves dropping. Listening carefully to your thoughts and emotions, making these things happen for you. It’s on your side, it wants you to get what you want - Remember that.
It listens and acknowledges then sends back certain situations in response to your thoughts and vibrations.
It co-operates with the law of attraction.
“Ask and it is given” - Abraham Lincoln
Think of us as pieces of a puzzle. We are collectively manifesting reality.
This is why I think we should tell more of the beautiful news that’s happening in the world. The positive things that people are doing. The beautiful change some humans are making.
Instead, we concentrate on the negative.
You could do one of the most incredible things that’s been done that year, which had made a huge change.
But if something bad happened around the same time, what do you think the news will concentrate on?
Therefore, attracting more of that misfortune.
Why do you think there’s a rumour going around that ‘bad things come in threes’?
My rational behind it is that we’ve been lead to believe that all good and bad things come in threes, therefor once one bad thing happens we almost expect 2 more things — were sending out strong vibrations that 2 more bad things need to happen now until some good can be brought back.
Don’t you see how we're literally asking for this to become a reality?
It’s because our emotions and vibrations are in a negative state, then the universe goes to work.
It happens with positive too — one good thing happens, then we expect to have at least 2 more positive things to happen. Our emotions are then positive, as well as our vibrations. So like clock work, those positive things appear.
It’s like a vicious circle. We need to get out of this stupid belief.
Listen, if we think positively, positive things happen. Fact.
Forget the negatives - we don’t need it.
Concentrate on the positive, erase the negative from your mind and watch the world change.
But I’m here to tell you what an incredible sense of freedom this gives you.
Knowing that you create your life, understanding that everything that happens in your life you’re responsible for. Scary thought right? Yet, so beautifully satisfying at the same time.
We create this life. We can decide to make it fulfilling or not. What would you choose?
Once we understand our true power, that’s when amazing things happen.
Say to yourself now. “My thoughts and actions have in some way brought me to the events and situations I am now experiencing.”
Our past, present and future are all linked.
Think about where you are now. Then think hard about how this came into your life?
Really think. Can you come to a conclusion as to where this seed was first planted? It’s amazing right?
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” You being the student, the universe being the teacher.
Honestly, nothing is a coincidence. I don’t even know why that word exists sometimes.
The word Karma is thrown around a lot. Thinking about karma is also a tool that can help you to understand why you should be taking responsibility for everything in your life.
What behaviour of yours has created this situation, event or feeling?
Instead of asking yourself, “Why is this happening to me?” Ask yourself: “Why not?”
Honestly, I’m so passionate about this and I’ve done so much research into it.
I’ve witnessed the powerful Law of attraction in my own life. The fastest I’ve ever witnessed the Law of attraction to work was on a flight back to London from Bali.
I was exhausted. I’d had a long day in Bali concluding my 2 months there and it was time to head home. My first flight was to China, then to London.
The first one was at 1am Bali time. So I hadn’t slept since the previous night. I had a window seat on this flight and when I sat down I thought to myself “ I really hope this seat next to me stays empty, as I really want some space to sleep”
No one sat next to me on that flight. A gentleman was sitting on the third seat, but that seat between us was all mine. So, I put my feet up and got a little more comfortable. I slept for the majority of that flight.
I remember thinking to myself “wow, this shit really works.” So I thought right, let me test this further. So in the queue for my second flight back to London (the longer of the 2 flights) I said aloud: “I’m going to have an entire row to myself on this flight and I’m going to sleep like a baby. I’m announcing this to the universe. The rows mine mate.”
And like magic, I promise you, I had the whole row to myself and I slept the whole way. I stretched out and had a lovely flight!
So yes, there you go. That’s the fastest I’ve ever had the Law of attraction work for me.
Please don’t fall into the trap of expecting the Law to work this quickly for everything though. Don’t expect it to work that quickly for anything in fact. Just ask for what you want and trust the universe to give it to you when it’s time.
All I can think is that the universe knew how much I needed that sleep on that flight!!
Ok, so to really manifest your goals, you need to get really clear on what you want. Like really want. Make a list of these goals. Material goals, career goals, goals for spiritual growth, body goals. Any you have — think big, there are no limits.
Then, get really specific. What, when and why? What is the goal, when do you want to achieve it by and why do you want it?
Put in clear deadlines and clear goals. I.e. if one of your goals is to lose weight, how much weight? By when?
Remember, you cannot change others. So don’t even bother investing your energy into trying. Focus on yourself.
No goal is too big. Energy is infinite, and everything is energy, so doesn’t that tell you that anything is possible?
Now, once you’re clear, do 5 things a day that get you closer to that goal. Notice your energy. Stop complaining about the things you don’t want, this only brings more of it to you.
A good exercise is to create a list of the things in our life that negatively affect us. Then get to work on eliminating them.
“Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your life” - Brian Tracey
Your past does not equal your future unless you live there.
Now live in a beautiful energy state, every day. Look back at the emotional vibration scale and ensure you’re living in those first 7 emotional states every day.
I know you’re probably thinking, well we cant just eliminate negative thoughts and obviously theres going to be times when we experience a negative emotion. Of course! We are humans after all.
It happens and we cant change that. But what we can change is our approach to that negative feeling.
Allow yourself 90 seconds to feel that negative emotion then change it.
Whats the point in holding onto it?
If you can change something to turn it into a positive then do that. If you cant control it let it go. All it takes is 90 seconds.
One of the most important steps in manifestation is to feel.
You need to feel like you already have what you’re asking for, this creates the emotions and vibrations you wish to feel, therefor attracting more of those feelings. Giving you what you require in order to feel like that all of the time. It sounds simple, but it is work.
It takes a lot of focus to ensure our thoughts and emotions match this life we are working to create.
We need to check in with ourselves throughout the day. We also need to look at who we are surrounding ourselves with and looking at the activities we are embarking on.
Do these things support your dream?
Now get to work creating that dream life! Remember, you have the power.
Live fully, Love fully and sprinkle your magic
Love Always,
Em J